Friday, August 30, 2013

Oh boy, haven't posted in a while again.  Mostly, that is because I haven't been up to much lately.  In Arizona, it's too dang hot in the summer to really do anything, let alone working less than a foot behind a 2000 degree torch while there's a 1000 degree kiln also spewing heat about 3 feet behind you.
I finally started up again just recently despite the heat.  One, because I have had a few orders (YAY!) and two, at least the daily temperature dropped to around 100 degrees versus the 110-115 degrees it was just a short time ago.
Been also thinking about Halloween and trying to come up with a new design to kick-start my muse back at the torch.  Came up with this design - - the bloody heart, bleeding heart?  Not sure, I might just call them dripping hearts since I have made several more with other colors besides red.  Those are in the kiln annealing right now, so I only have the red one at this time - enjoy!

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