Friday, July 19, 2013

Hot, Hot Summer!!!

Yep, it's hot!  Especially in Arizona!  We are now entering monsoon season, so it's getting humid, too.  My worst time of the year here, but luckily it only lasts a couple/few months.  The rest of the year in AZ is just beautiful, sunny and warm (well, in winter it can get quite chilly!).
Since it's so hot here, I haven't been torching.  I am getting that bad itch to torch often but it's just not viable right now.  I am hoping some good rains might come through and cool it off for a while so I can jump back on the torch - - there's still so much I want to do and learn - even after 7 years!
Here is some eye candy (literally, haha!) of a pendant I have up for auction now.  The auction will end Saturday at midnight.  If it's not sold, it will be heading up on Etsy, probably with a few more items.
Happy Summer Everyone!

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