Monday, July 11, 2011

Hot Summer Blog Deal!

Hi All,

I am running a special sale on my Etsy site exclusively for those people who view this blog.  This will be for a limited time.  Not sure how long I will keep it going, but it will last through the end of summer, at least.

Any item purchased in my store will reflect a 20% discount if you use this discount code in your checkout process: BLOGGER20

If you have admired a certain bead, bead set or finished product of mine, here is your chance to get one at a great discount.  I have Dragon Eye pendants online, Faerie Beads, hearts, implosions, bead sets - - a wide variety is available now.  I will also be posting many new items in the coming weeks so more is to come!
Jean's Beads on Etsy - - click this link!

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