Friday, September 17, 2010

September Already?

Wow, I cannot believe this year is almost over! Been so busy with my artwork, family and daily life.
We are going to head into fall sometime soon here in AZ (I hope!). It's still been over 100 degrees here and I cannot wait for it to cool down a bit. I just hope we have some nice fall weather before we run into the bone-chilling, cold nights.
I recently had a booth at CopperCon, which is a Sci-Fi/Fantasy convention which is held every year. This was it's 30th year here in AZ and the event was great fun. I think this was the perfect fit for my hubby and I since he loves going to the Sci-Fi conventions, but I don't think he particularly likes sitting with me during shows. This allowed him to go off and experience the readings, projects, discussions and events of the convention while still helping me (and giving me much-needed breaks at my booth). I was also able to go off on some fun events with my son - - we saw a japanese sword demonstration and made a cool hat at the "create your own hat" event for kids.
I am definitely planning on doing other events like this - - Sci-Fi conventions, ComicCon events, etc. You meet a lot of great, new people and it's also good for expanding my glass art to a new group of people.
My next event scheduled is MythosCon, which is a large part of the Sci-Fi fans. I don't really know much about the genre but am learning. It all started with H.P. Lovecraft stories way-back-when (the 1920's). Lovecraft created a legend (or Mythos) about a race of creatures that "came from the stars" and ruled this Earth a long time before man was even here. The creatures are evil beings, hideous, and they are just waiting for the right time to rise up and control this world again. There are also secret cults of people who still worship these creatures. In all of Lovecraft's stories, these creatures occasionally come out and "play" with us humans, usually not in a nice way.
Very interesting, and I am reading Lovecraft again, amoung other writers who also have written about the Mythos, both during Lovecraft's time and up to current times. Lovecraft himself encouraged other writers to expand on his ideas and legends. The Mythos is even popular enough that there is a RPG game, sort of like Dungeons and Dragons I am guessing.

So, I am moving to the "dark side" and creating new items especially for this show. I hope the Mythos members like them! I really enjoy making these pieces, which are a mixture of my glass eyes along with Sculpy clay and paints.

1 comment:

  1. That was one of the best, most concise descriptions of the Cthulhu Mythos I have ever read. You have caught the 'Mythos' perfectly in those few words. Now I have to read all the stories over again in preparation for MythosCon! :-)
