Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tough Times, but Working it Through

Okay, it's been a while since I posted, but much has happened in the short time I've been absent. It seems like everything has been going wrong that could go wrong lately - - major Murphy's Law in our household.

The latest in a slew of mishaps and breakdowns has been our central air conditioner. It tries to kick on, but keeps humming and then stops. I believe it's the compressor, but the part alone costs a minimum of 280.00, and that doesn't include anyone climbing up to our high peak on the roof to fix it, so it doesn't look like we'll be fixing it anytime soon.

Still trying to look on the upside, tho. We have my parent's little AC unit, which keeps the living room somewhat cooler (even tho it still has gotten up to 86-88 degrees) than the outside temps of 100+. And, hey, our electric bill should be a lot cheaper in the coming months, so maybe our bill will drop low enough to actually save to fix the dang unit.

My schedule is all flip-flopped now since I can only torch between 1am-7am since that's the only time it's cool enough in the studio. So, I am trying to get in sessions when I can, and it's still cool enough at night. Hopefully I will be able to sell a few pieces, at least enough to keep us going for a while longer and hopefully fix the air. Here's to hope!!

My latest adventure is listing some items on Ebay - - link attached. You can also search Ebay by entering my name and all my items should come up.

I also have more items on Etsy if anyone is interested. Believe me, the money will go to a great cause - - keeping us cool!!!


  1. Oh my, Jeannie! It is supposed to be 112 degrees this weekend. Hope you get your air fixed sooner rather than later.

  2. Oh Jeannie, that is just awful timing for us Phoenicians - total Murphy's law. Your schedule would knock anyone out of whack. I hope you are able to save on electric and make sale to get it fixed quick. Here's to hope! Hang in there.
