Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Well, it's almost Halloween and I have not made one dang Halloween bead this year. But that's okay, I've been working on other stuff. Making rainbows for my daughter's fundraiser, goddess and "guydess" beads and practicing more with all the silver-infused rods that I have. I am determined to get this down, one way or another!
It's hit or miss with a lot of the silver colors I have. Sometimes they come out great and other times . . . ah, not so great. I will get this, tho!

Happy Halloween to everyone out there - - hope you have lots of fun this year!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Cooler weather is upon us, what does that mean? More torching!!!

Finally the weather has been cooler and it is a great time to fire up the torch and get moving again. I am currently making rainbow beads for a fundraiser that my daughter is having next month in San Francisco. Along with this, I am also making some for myself and my website.

In addition, I have been playing around with the Striking Color glass that I have. I think I am finally getting the hang of it and am starting to produce those gorgeous, multi-colored hues that they create. I still have a little practicing to do, but hopefully I will be consistent enough to be able to start selling some of these beauties.

On the home front, we have 2 new additions to our family. Dexter and Lucy came to us recently. They were found by a friend-of-a-friend who couldn't take care of them. They are such wonderful and loving dogs that I can't believe someone would just abandon them, but it seems no one is looking for them. The person who found them checked at the local shelters and on line and I also was searching all the lost and found ads, but no luck anywhere. They are 2 sweethearts, although Dexter does like to chew on my son's toys (naughty boy!). I hope they like it here and live many happy and healthy years with us!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Weather is Getting Cooler . . . . Finally!

It's October 4th and the weather is finally starting to cool down from the triple digits here in AZ. It should be around 93-94 degrees today, but the rest of the week will be in the mid to upper 80's. The nights will also be cooling down to the 60's here, which will make it real nice for torching. I am excited to be getting back on the torch after the last few weeks away from it.
Meanwhile, I have been working on a new business card design and am hoping this one comes out nice. I would like to make 2 copies of this card, this one and also another with a more simple bead on the front, maybe a liquid swirl bead or a heart. Hope it goes over well!