Wednesday, May 19, 2010

East Valley Artisans meeting Tonight

I had a great time at this month's EVA meeting - - hope everyone else did, too. Welcome to Marci, our newest member!

Jen had a fun project for us at this meeting, making ATC cards. I don't know about everyone else, but I have never made them before. She was great and brought all the tools and materials we needed to make some cool looking winged heart cards! We had hearts, feathers, glitter glue, gems, stamps, scissors, you name it. It was a lot of fun - thanks Jen! I posted my ATC card pic here, but I am sure our Etsy EVA Team blog will post the whole team's cards - - everyone had neat creations.

Also, our exchange this month was flowers. I made a pink flower on a base bead as a pendant for my exchange. I thought it came out real cute. Renee won my exchange piece - - hope you enjoy it Renee!