Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Why Me?

One of my Dad's favorite phrases. Today I found myself stating this well-worn phrase yet again. For some reason still unknown to me, my studio exhaust fan decided to call it quits in the middle of my torching session. Why do these things always happen right before a big event? And right in the middle of a Dragon Eye pendant, too? Of course, I had to finish the pendant.

After that came the arduous chore of moving one of my concentrators and my torch downstairs so I could torch out the back door. The rest of my days before the Vegas show will be uncomfortably sitting on a chair in the living room, at a table too low, torch flames flapping and struggling to get the rest of my product completed for the show. Ugh.

Yeah, why me?

Friday, March 26, 2010

Here is yesterday's take from my torching session. Shark teeth, bunnies and a few odd ones. I feel good about my output yesterday. I am just hoping that I can keep up this production flow for the next week or so.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Still Gearing Up

Why does it always seem to get hectic when I am trying to gear up for a big show? There has been so much going on that it's hard to find the time to torch (something I really need to do if I want any product on my table at the Vegas show).

Finally, I was able to torch today, making several shark teeth which I hope come out well. I will try and post a pic of these tomorrow. Also made a few more bunnies for my parents and for the 3 little neighbor girls who love stringing beads (although they are usually plastic). I think they will adore them.

Here's a pic of the bunnies I made a couple days ago - - the center on is on a keychain clasp with 2 eggs. This was donated for an Easter exchange at my meeting Wednesday night with the East Valley Artisans group.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Las Vegas, here I come!!

Trying to get ready for the big Vegas show at the South Point Hotel and Casino - - the Annual Glass Craft and Bead Expo event. Should be a good time!
But for now, it's work, work, work!! Trying to cram in loooonnnng sessions of bead making along with stringing, and trying to get all my display stuff together.
Besides the Expo, I am also working on the Bead Inspired event for the Beads of Courage charity which is happening next Saturday, the 20th of March. i am also doing a show this weekend, Friday and Saturday in Downtown Mesa. Much to do!!

Here are some of the pendants I made last night for Vegas and these will also be with me at the Blues, Baseball and Balderdash Mesa show this weekend.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Have much of my sales section of my webpage now up and running. Still have to put more product online, but I have quite a few items listed now.